4 Common Reasons Cars Vibrate While Driving

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Every car vibrates slightly while it's being driven thanks to all the moving parts that make it work, but you may sometimes notice vibrations becoming excessive. This can make driving less pleasurable, potentially impact your control over the vehicle, and cause key parts to wear down prematurely or move out of alignment, so it makes sense to have your vehicle checked over by a professional if it ever begins to vibrate excessively.

With that in mind, here are just four common reasons why that might be happening.

1. Bad Tyres

If your vehicle vibrates consistently throughout each drive, it's likely there is something wrong with the tyres. If they have worn down unevenly, tyres will not roll uniformly against the road, which can lead to a rough ride. This can also occur if tyres are underinflated or have developed any defects. Such issues can significantly reduce your control over the vehicle, so it makes sense to have your tyres changed if they become a problem.

2. Poor Wheel Alignment

While tyre issues are a common cause of excessive vibration, you also need to think about the wheels themselves. Your vehicle's wheels need to be set in the optimum position in order to ensure a smooth and controlled ride. However, they can be knocked out of alignment if you ever bump the curb or hit a pothole. When this happens, your wheels won't be able to turn at the same speed, and this can cause one or more of them to produce vibrations.

3. Engine Issues

If you notice vibrations are coming from under the hood, the engine is a likely culprit. When it doesn't receive the right amount of air or fuel, it won't be able to run smoothly. As well as producing vibrations, this can result in sharp shudders or jerks while accelerating. This may be down to anything from a dirty air filter or old spark plugs. As with any engine issue, it's smart to get the issue addressed quickly to save yourself the inconvenience of a breakdown or the need for more expensive repairs.

4. Bad Mounts

Even if the engine itself is fine, the mounts that hold it in position may have become worn or have been knocked out of alignment. These mounts are designed to control the vibrations that emanate from your engine, so vibrations can become much worse when they aren't doing their job. You can always check for wear yourself, but it's best to visit a mechanic if you suspect the mounts have become unaligned.

For more information, contact a mechanic near you.
