Planning a Car Build? 3 Questions To Ask Your Mechanic

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Vehicle upgrades are an easy way to improve your vehicle’s functionality, performance, and comfort. Nevertheless, you will need a mechanic’s input when contemplating a car build project. The extract below details some questions to ask your mechanic before commencing your car build.  1. What Are the Recommended Upgrades?   Your mechanic cannot give a definite answer without evaluating your needs. For instance, the mechanic could ask how you plan to use the vehicle.…

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Does Your Automatic Transmission Fluid Have To Work Harder Than A Manual Alternative?

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When engineers design automatic transmission fluid, they do so knowing that this is one of the harshest environments you can find and that the fluid will need to cope with extreme temperatures. Yet as dedicated to their work as they are, these engineers can only do so much as they craft this fluid and know that it will eventually degrade. But what can happen when this fluid breaks down, and how can you try to counter the adverse effects as a vehicle owner?…

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What Are Some of the Different Types of Auto Mechanics Out There?

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If you’re a car owner, there is a good chance that you will interact with a variety of different auto mechanics at various points. These are a few examples of the different types of auto mechanics that you might need to work with in order to keep your car in top-notch condition. Inspectors As you might know, in many places, you are required to have roadworthy inspections done on your vehicle before you can legally register your vehicle.…

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Could Erratic Trailer Behaviour Be Due to Failing Bearings?

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If you’re used to towing a trailer, you will instinctively know if something is wrong. You will be able to tell if the trailer begins to pull to one side or the other or if something seems a little strange under braking. In this case, you may suspect issues with the individual wheel bearings and should take action as soon as possible to avoid any major issues. What could be going wrong, and what should you do?…

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